lucidchart xtract library and composing readers

If you use "readers" similar to play's json reader framework, you know that its a nice framework to compose your json converters. There is a similar framework for reading XML from lucidchart called xtract.
xtract only provides XML reading. Its very similar to play json. Many of the examples that demonstrate the play json or xtract library are fairly simple and did not help me understand how to compose readers that need to have alternatives. For example, an XML fragment may have an element called Fault or an element called Data and you want to compose a reader that automatically handles both in one reader instance. How do you do that?
Here's some scalatest examples that show one way to do that. You have some choices about how to navigate and how to compose so pay special attention to the details in the tests. I prefer to compose by using readers at the top element and use and/or on the builders, but you can choose to do it anyway you wish.

The code may be easier to read as a gist: github gist
import org.scalatest._

class readerspecs extends FlatSpec with Matchers {

  import scala.xml._
  import{ XmlReader, __ }
  import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._

  import responseReaders._

  val faultXml =

  val faultInXml =
          { faultXml }

  val noFaultInXml =

  val responseFaultXml =
      { faultInXml }

  val responseDataXml =
      { noFaultInXml }

  val bodyXml =

  sealed trait ResponseBody
  case class IFault(i: Int, e: String) extends ResponseBody
  case class IData(k: String, v: Int) extends ResponseBody

  case class IBody(flag: Boolean, r: ResponseBody)

  implicit val dataReader = ((__ \ "key").read[String] and (__ \ "value").read[Int])(IData.apply _)
  implicit val faultReader = ((__ \ "ErrorCode").read[Int] and (__ \ "Message").read[String])(IFault.apply _)

  val responsePathReader: XmlReader[NodeSeq] = (__ \ "Response").read
  val bodyPathReader: XmlReader[NodeSeq] = (__ \ "Body").read
  val faultPathReader = (__ \ "Fault").read[NodeSeq]
  val multipleResponsePathReader: XmlReader[NodeSeq] = (__ \ "MultipleResponse").read
  val multipleResponsePathReaderJump: XmlReader[NodeSeq] = (__ \\ "MultipleResponse").read // find anywhere in children

  "responseReaders" should "read a Fault" in {
    val r =
    r.toOption shouldBe Some(IFault(1, "Error"))

  it should "find a fault or None inside a response body using a piece by piece XPath traversal" in {
    val bpath = (__ \\ "Body")
    val rpath = (__ \\ "MultipleResponse")
    val fpath = (__ \\ "Fault")
    val r: XmlReader[NodeSeq] = (bpath ++ rpath ++ fpath).read
    withClue("has fault:") { (r andThen faultReader).read(faultInXml).toOption shouldBe Some(IFault(1, "Error")) }
    withClue("no fault:") { (r andThen faultReader).read(noFaultInXml).toOption shouldBe None }

  it should "read a constant using pure" in {
    val r = (XmlReader.pure(-1) and XmlReader.pure("Not an error"))(IFault.apply _) shouldBe Option(IFault(-1, "Not an error"))

  it should "read something with a direct path" in {
    val r = (__ \\ "Data").read[IData] shouldBe Option(IData("k", 1))

  it should "find a fault inside a response body using a composition of readers traversal" in {
    val r = (responsePathReader andThen bodyPathReader andThen multipleResponsePathReader andThen faultPathReader andThen faultReader) shouldBe Option(IFault(1, "Error"))

  it should "not find a fault inside a response body using a composition of readers traversal that are not correct" in {
    val r = (responsePathReader andThen bodyPathReader andThen /*multipleResponsePathReader andThen*/ faultPathReader andThen faultReader) shouldBe None

  it should "follow a path using composition starting with XmlReaders" in {
    // We use map because we are starting with readers that read NodeSeq, see the example below
    // Shows off all combinators or embedding an XPath in the middle as well but as a reader of nodeseq.
    val tmp: XmlReader[ResponseBody] = (responsePathReader andThen bodyPathReader andThen multipleResponsePathReader andThen
      ((faultPathReader andThen faultReader) or ((__ \ "Data").read[NodeSeq] andThen dataReader)))
    val r =, _))

    withClue("fault:") { shouldBe Option(IBody(true, IFault(1, "Error"))) }
    withClue("data:") { shouldBe Option(IBody(true, IData("k", 1))) }

  it should "follow a path using composition with builders" in {
    // Since the expression starts with a Builder 'and' Builder, we can use apply instead of map like above
    val tmp = ((__ \ "Flag").read[Boolean] and
      (responsePathReader andThen bodyPathReader andThen multipleResponsePathReader andThen
        ((faultPathReader andThen faultReader) or ((__ \ "Data").read[NodeSeq] andThen dataReader))))
    val r = tmp(IBody.apply _)

    withClue("data:") { shouldBe Option(IBody(false, IData("k", 1))) }

  it should "like the previous test but jump to the location using an XPath then compose" in {
    // Since the expression starts with a Builder 'and' Builder, we can use apply instead of map like above
    val r = ((__ \ "Flag").read[Boolean] and (multipleResponsePathReaderJump andThen
      ((faultPathReader andThen faultReader)
        ((__ \ "Data").read[NodeSeq] andThen dataReader))))(IBody.apply _)

    withClue("data:") { shouldBe Option(IBody(false, IData("k", 1))) }

    val prefixattr =
    <kvs xmlns:i="mynamespace">
      <el i:type="string">

  "attribute reader" should "read a prefixed attribute" in {
    val areader = XmlReader.attribute[String]("{mynamespace}type")
    val r = (__ \ "el")(prefixattr)
    val prefixResult =
    prefixResult.toOption shouldBe Some("string")

    // combine this together for a real read

    val elAndAttrReader = (
      (__ \ "el").read[String].map(_.trim) and
      (__ \ "el").read(areader))((_, _)) shouldBe Some(("theel", "string"))

  val prefixattrcomplex =
    <kvs xmlns:i="mynamespace">
      <el i:type="string">stringvalue</el>
      <el i:type="int">30</el>
      <el i:type="long">30</el>

  it should "allow failing fast in order to get the right reader" in {
    implicit val elTypeReader = XmlReader.attribute[String]("{mynamespace}type")
    sealed trait ElType
    case class StringEl(v: String) extends ElType
    case class IntEl(v: Int) extends ElType
    case class LongEl(v: Long) extends ElType

    val kvReader = (__ \\ "el").read(seq(elTypeReader))
    val result =
    withClue("reading just the attributes:") {
      result.foreach(r => r should contain inOrderOnly ("string", "int", "long"))

    case class WrongTypeError(expected: String) extends ValidationError

    // Fail if the namespaced attribute is not a match and return a nodeseq so we can compose it
    def filteritype(t: String) = nodeReader.filter(WrongTypeError(t))(n =>"") == t)

    val stringElReader: XmlReader[StringEl] = filteritype("string").map(n => StringEl(n.text))
    val intElReader = filteritype("int").map(n => IntEl(n.text.toInt))
    val longElReader = filteritype("long") andThen => LongEl(n.text.toInt)) // slight variation

    val eltypereader =
      ( orElse orElse
    val readEls = (__ \\ "el").read(seq(eltypereader))
    withClue("reading full objects:") { => r should contain inOrderOnly (StringEl("stringvalue"), IntEl(30), LongEl(30)))

  val f =

  val kvpreader = (
    (__ \ "key").read[String] and
    (__ \ "value").read[String])((_, _))

  "reading kv pairs" should "read a sequency correctly" in {
    val r = (__ \\ "KeyValuePairOfstringstring").read(seq(kvpreader))
    val tmp = => v should contain inOrderOnly (("creditonhold", "No"), ("donotcontact", "Allow"), ("bstate", "1")))



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